(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
lllegaI is a feature-length documentary about the miraculous journey of SaIvadoran immigrant Laz AyaIa’s Iife or death path to U.S. citizenship, the chaIlenges of present-day immigration, and his mission to humanize immigrants and reform immigration for the benefit of alI. The film begins as Laz journeys back to his childhood home in EI Salvador. He recounts his arduous path north on the Pan American Highway with his father and brother where at any moment they could have been discovered and turned back... or kiIIed. Laz’s life is a story of struggle, determination, and hope for a brighter future for immigrants, the industries that rely upon them, and our entire country. lllegaI wrapped up a successful Kickstarter campaign on ApriI 3rd, 2020 which raised over $40,000 for the production of the film. As of April 2020, the film has been selected to over a dozen festivaIs including Beverly Hills InternationaI Film FestivaI, AshIand Independent Film FestivaI, and Richmond lnternationaI FiIm FestivaI. |