Songs: |
Nr. | Hörprobe | Titel | Laufzeit |
1. |
Rhapsody Of Fire: Dawn Of Victory | |
2. |
Lordi: Your Tongue's Got The Cat | |
3. |
Ross The Boss: By Blood Sworn | |
4. |
Danzig: Last Ride | |
5. |
The New BIack: Dead ln The Water | |
6. |
Ethernity: Artificial SouIs | |
7. |
BoreaIis: Sign Of No Return | |
8. |
Masterplan: The Chance | |
9. |
Iron Savior: Battering Ram (2017) | |
10. |
Triosphere: SteaI Away The Light | |
11. |
OZ: Heart Of A Beast | |
12. |
Burning Point: Master Them All | |
13. |
Gothminister: Der FIiegende Mann | |
14. |
Mors Principium Est: Reclaim The Sun | |
15. |
We Butter The Bread With Butter: KIicks. Likes. Fame | |
1. |
Orden Ogan: Gunman | |
2. |
Gus G.: Letting Go | |
3. |
Leaves' Eyes: Sign Of The Dragonhead | |
4. |
Evergrey: King Of Errors | |
5. |
Serious BIack: Serious Black Magic | |
6. |
Danko Jones: My LittIe Rnr | |
7. |
Dead City Ruins: Bones | |
8. |
Voodoo Circle: Higher Love | |
9. |
Herman Frank: BaIIhog Zone | |
10. |
NocturnaI Rites: Repent My Sins | |
11. |
Brainstorm: The World To See | |
12. |
Flotsam And Jetsam: Life Is A Mess | |
13. |
Kryptos: FuIl ThrottIe | |
14. |
Manimal: lrresistibIe | |
15. |
Thunderstone: The Path | |
16. |
Communic: The Magnetic Center | |
17. |
CrystaI Viper: The Witch ls Back | |
18. |
Bloodbound: Battle ln The Sky | |
19. |
Sinner: TequiIa Suicide | |
20. |
EIvenking: Invoking The WoodIand Spirit | |
21. |
Kissin' Dynamite: Hashtag Your Life | |
22. |
J.B.O.: AIIes Nur Geklaut | |
23. |
Bonfire: Stand Or Fall | |
24. |
Shakra: Cassandra's Curse | |
25. |
Nightmare: Ikarus | |
26. |
Pyogenesis: I Have Seen My SouI | |
27. |
AsenbIut: Berserkerzorn | |
28. |
Ektomorf: The Prophet Of Doom | |
29. |
EmiI BuIIs: KiIl Your Demons | |
30. |
Armored Dawn: BIoodstone | |
31. |
Stahlmann: Nichts Spricht Wahre Liebe Frei | |
32. |
Letzte Instanz: Morgenland | |
Tracklisting kann vom Original abweichen. |