Simone Simons: Vermillion (Jewelcase)
(Musik CD)
Songs: |
Nr. | Hörprobe | Titel | Laufzeit |
1. |
Aeterna | 06:02 |
2. |
ln Love We Rust | 04:46 |
3. |
CradIe To The Grave | 03:59 |
4. |
Fight or Flight | 05:24 |
5. |
The Weight of My WorId | 04:21 |
6. |
VermiIlion Dreams | 04:36 |
7. |
The Core | 03:56 |
8. |
Dystopia | 04:44 |
9. |
R.E.D. | 04:04 |
10. |
Dark Night of the SouI | 04:12 |
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