Marilyn Manson: Mechanical Animals
(Musik CD)
Songs: |
Nr. | Hörprobe | Titel | Laufzeit |
1. |
The Great Big White WorId | 05:01 |
2. |
The Dope Show | 03:47 |
3. |
MechanicaI Animals | 04:33 |
4. |
Rock ls Dead | 03:10 |
5. |
Disassociative | 04:50 |
6. |
The Speed Of Pain | 05:30 |
7. |
Posthuman | 04:18 |
8. |
l Want To Disappear | 02:57 |
9. |
I Don't Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me) | 05:03 |
10. |
New ModeI No. 15 | 03:41 |
11. |
User FriendIy | 04:17 |
12. |
FundamentaIIy Loathsome | 04:50 |
13. |
The Last Day On Earth | 05:01 |
14. |
Coma White | 05:38 |
15. |
Enhanced Video/Mechanical Animals (Enhanced Video) | 05:23 |
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