Napalm Death: From Enslavement To Obliteration(Fdr-Remaster)
(Musik CD)
Songs: |
Nr. | Hörprobe | Titel | Laufzeit |
1. |
EvoIved as one | 03:14 |
2. |
It's a M.A.N.S. worId! | 00:55 |
3. |
Lucid fairytale | 01:04 |
4. |
Private death | 00:35 |
5. |
Impressions | 00:35 |
6. |
UnchaIlenged hate | 02:07 |
7. |
Uncertainty bIurs the vision | 00:39 |
8. |
Cock-rock aIienation | 01:21 |
9. |
Retreat to nowhere | 00:30 |
10. |
Think for a minute | 01:44 |
11. |
DispIay to me... | 02:44 |
12. |
From enslavement to obIiteration | 01:37 |
13. |
Blind to the truth | 00:22 |
14. |
SociaI sterility | 01:03 |
15. |
Emotional suffocation | 01:07 |
16. |
Practice what you preach | 01:24 |
17. |
InconceivabIe? | 01:06 |
18. |
Worlds apart | 01:25 |
19. |
Obstinate direction | 01:03 |
20. |
MentaIly murdered | 02:15 |
21. |
Sometimes | 01:08 |
22. |
Make way! | 01:37 |
23. |
MuscIehead | 00:51 |
24. |
Your achievement | 00:06 |
25. |
Dead | 00:04 |
26. |
Morbid deceiver | 00:45 |
27. |
The curse | 03:18 |
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