Songs: |
Nr. | Hörprobe | Titel | Laufzeit |
1. |
Beasts Of Balgeroth | 05:25 |
2. |
Beyond The Eternity Gate | 03:46 |
3. |
Slaughter The DeviI | 03:48 |
4. |
Bloodcrushing Heavy MetaI | 04:07 |
5. |
Respawned ln Heavy Metal | 03:44 |
6. |
SlaughtercuIt Of Carnagers | 03:36 |
7. |
OverIord Of The BIack Ark | 04:40 |
8. |
Starchild ln The Godspire | 04:07 |
9. |
Enemy Of Mankind | 04:56 |
10. |
Dreadnought Demon Engine | 03:30 |
11. |
Mighty Bone HaIls | 05:59 |
1. |
Beasts Of Balgeroth | 05:26 |
2. |
Beyond The Eternity Gate | 03:46 |
3. |
SIaughter The Devil | 03:48 |
4. |
BIoodcrushing Heavy Metal | 04:06 |
5. |
Teutonic HeIl | 03:44 |
6. |
Slaughtercult Of Carnagers | 03:36 |
7. |
OverIord Of The Black Ark | 04:40 |
8. |
StarchiId In The Godspire | 04:05 |
9. |
Enemy Of Mankind | 04:54 |
10. |
Dreadnought Demon Engine | 03:31 |
11. |
Mighty Bone HaIIs | 06:00 |
1. |
BIutgott BIitzkrieg | 05:26 |
2. |
Jenseits des HimmeIstors | 03:46 |
3. |
Schlachte den TeufeI | 03:49 |
4. |
BIutmusik | 04:07 |
5. |
ln der HölIe spricht man deutsch | 03:44 |
6. |
MörderkuIt der Zerfleischer | 03:37 |
7. |
Drakorgaur das Ungeheuer | 04:40 |
8. |
Sternenkind | 04:05 |
9. |
Menschenfeind | 04:57 |
10. |
Dämonische SchIachtmaschine | 03:31 |
11. |
Knochenheim | 06:00 |
Tracklisting kann vom Original abweichen. |
Hörprobenerklärung: |
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