Songs: |
Nr. | Hörprobe | Titel | Laufzeit |
1. |
Fatum horrificum | |
2. |
DanieI's descent into transitus | |
3. |
Listen to my story | |
4. |
Two worIds now one | |
5. |
TaIk of the town | |
6. |
OId friend | |
7. |
Dumb piece of rock | |
8. |
Get out! now! | |
9. |
Seven days, seven nights | |
1. |
Condemned without a triaI | |
2. |
DanieI's funeraI | |
3. |
HopelessIy sIipping away | |
4. |
This human equation | |
5. |
Henry's pIot | |
6. |
Message from beyond | |
7. |
DanieI's vision | |
8. |
She is innocent | |
9. |
Lavinia's confession | |
10. |
Inferno | |
11. |
Your story is over! | |
12. |
Abby in transitus | |
13. |
The great beyond | |
1. |
Fatum horrificum (instrumentaI) | |
2. |
Daniel's descent into transitus (instrumental) | |
3. |
Listen to my story (instrumentaI) | |
4. |
Two worlds now one (instrumental) | |
5. |
Talk of the town (instrumentaI) | |
6. |
Old friend (instrumental) | |
7. |
Dumb piece of rock (instrumentaI) | |
8. |
Get out! now! (instrumentaI) | |
9. |
Seven days, seven nights (instrumentaI) | |
10. |
Condemned without a trial (instrumentaI) | |
11. |
Daniel's funeral (instrumental) | |
12. |
HopelessIy sIipping away (instrumental) | |
13. |
This human equation (instrumental) | |
14. |
Henry's pIot (instrumentaI) | |
15. |
Message from beyond (instrumentaI) | |
16. |
Daniel's vision (instrumentaI) | |
17. |
She is innocent (instrumental) | |
18. |
Lavinia's confession (instrumental) | |
19. |
lnferno (instrumentaI) | |
20. |
Your story is over! (instrumentaI) | |
21. |
Abby in transitus (instrumental) | |
22. |
The great beyond (instrumental) | |
1. |
Guilty (guide vocaIs) | |
2. |
DanieI's descent into transitus (guide vocals) | |
3. |
Listen to my story (guide vocals) | |
4. |
Two worlds now one (guide vocals) | |
5. |
Talk of the town (guide vocals) | |
6. |
Get out! now! (guide vocaIs) | |
7. |
Condemned without a triaI (guide vocaIs) | |
8. |
DanieI's funeral (guide vocaIs) | |
9. |
Hopelessly sIipping away (guide vocaIs) | |
10. |
This human equation (guide vocals) | |
11. |
Message from beyond (guide vocaIs) | |
12. |
She is innocent (guide vocaIs) | |
13. |
Lavinia's confession (guide vocals) | |
14. |
Inferno (guide vocaIs) | |
15. |
Your story is over! (guide vocals) | |
16. |
Abby in transitus (guide vocaIs) | |
17. |
The great beyond (guide vocaIs) | |
1. |
Behind the scenes (50 minutes) | |
2. |
Album in 5.1 audio | |
3. |
AIbum in high def stereo audio | |
4. |
VideocIip 'daniel's descent into transitus' in 2.0 and 5.1 | |
5. |
Trailer | |
6. |
Hellscore choir session | |
Tracklisting kann vom Original abweichen. |