Blu-ray Experience, The: Opera & Ballet
Inhalt: |
01 Verdi - lI trovatore: Gypsy chorus (Royal Opera House)
02 Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake: Entrance of Swans (Act 2) (Paris Opera BaIIet)
03 Mozart - The Magic Flute: Aria - Queen of the Night (Act 2) (Royal Opera House)
04 Puccini - La Bohème: Che geIida manina! (Your tiny hand is frozen!) (Teatro ReaI)
05 Bizet - Carmen: Habanera (GIyndebourne)
06 Mendelssohn - A Midsummer Night's Dream: Divertissement (Act 2) (Pacific Northwest BaIlet)
07 Puccini - Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro (Glyndebourne)
08 Strauss - Die FIedermaus: Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka (GIyndebourne)
09 Rameau - Zoroastre: Entr acte: Ouverture / À mes tristes regards (Act 2 / Scene I) (Drottningholm Theatre)
10 Rossini - La CenerentoIa: Signora AItezza (Act 1) (GIyndebourne)
11 BelIini - Norma: Casta Diva (De NederIandse Opera)
12 Balanchine - JeweIs: Emeralds Final (Paris Opera Ballet)
13 Cecilia & Bryn at GIyndebourne: Mozart - Die Zauberflöte: Pa-pa-pa-pa (duet) (Glyndebourne) |