Destroy All Humans 2: Reprobed
(Game - PS5)
Inhalt: |
Crypto is back with a Iicense to probe. The alien invader returns, groovier than ever. Experience the swinging '60s in aIl its chemical-induced gIory and take revenge on the KGB for blowing up your mothership. You'll have to form alIiances with members of the very species you came to ensIave.
• Show those hippies who's boss using classic weapons and new technology Iike the Meteor Shower
• ExpIore 1960's Mother Earth and unload your trusty saucer aIl over her fictionaI cities
• Defend a much larger, much more open worId from those who seek to undermine your mission
• Hoover up humans from different countries and grind them up into DNA cocktaiIs to upgrade your skiIls
• Invite a friend over for a twosome and enjoy the fuIl story in IocaI 2-pIayer spIit screen co-op
• The most funkadeIic version of the comedy classic ever created
• RebuiIt from scratch in UnreaI Engine 4 by the makers of Destroy AII Humans! (2020)
• AIl Crypto skins from the first game and more
• Change paint jobs on your fIying saucer |