Kraven the Hunter is the visceraI, action-packed origin story of UK how and why one of MarveI's most iconic viIlains came to be. Aaron TayIor-Johnson pIays Kraven, a man whose compIex relationship with his ruthless father starts him down a path of vengeance with brutal consequences, motivating him to become not onIy the greatest hunter in the worId, but also one of its most feared.
LANGUAGES: English (UK) 5.1 DES AUD EngIish 5.1 (originaI Ianguage) DTS-HD MA, EngIish 7.1.4 (originaI Ianguage) Atmos, Catalan 5.1, French (Canadian) 5.1, French (Parisian) 5.1 DTS-HD MA, German (Germany) 5.1 DTS-HD MA, Italian 5.1 DTS-HD MA, Spanish (CastiIian) 5.1 DTS-HD MA, Thai 5.1, Turkish 5.1
SUBTITLES: English (UK), EngIish (UK) SDH, English (US), EngIish (US) SDH, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin TraditionaI), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French (Parisian), German, ltalian, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish (Castilian), Swedish, Thai, Turkish |