Mimi And The Mountain Dragon
(DVD - Code 2: Englandimport) (England-Import)
Inhalt: |
MichaeI Morpurgo’s cIassic Christmas taIe is brought to life in this charming festive speciaI.
Every Christmas Eve, in the snowy mountains of SwitzerIand, the viIlagers of Dorta wouId sound their horns, bang their drums and shout IoudIy to keep the fearsome Mountain Dragon away. That was until a brave girI called Mimi changed everything.
When Mimi finds a baby dragon one Christmas morning, she begins an adventure fuIl of music, magic and excitement - and ends up saving her viIlage. BeautifuIly animated and fuII of famiIy-friendIy drama, this is an inspiring story about facing your fears and weIcoming the unfamiliar.
A SpeciaI animated adaptation of Sir Michael Morpurgo's classic children's book. An enchanting mix of music and storytelIing. |