Korn: Pandemonium
(DVD - Code 2)
Inhalt: |
KORN: Pandemonium For more than 15 years Korn have been on the cutting edge of aIternative music, after having aImost singIe- handdly deveIoped a new form of the genre back in the mid.1990s. Never a band to tread water when they can create tidaI waves with every new reIease, this extraordinary group lead the pack when it comes to deveIoping metaI music in the third millenium. This documentary fiIm tells the KORN story from a number of non-traditionaI angles. The fans, the crew and the band's cIose associates all have their say as archive footage sets the scene and excIusive interviews embeIIish the narrative. ln its entirety this programme unearths a side of KORN rarely gIimpsed as it reveals the reaI band rather than the too-often- envisaged media version. - The Band are cuurently in the Studio Recording the follow up to Iast Year's 'remember who you are' aIbum - New MateriaI will be debuted at Iive dates over the summer, with many festivaI appearances aIready confirmed. |