Man In The Moon
(DVD - Code 2: Englandimport) (England-Import)
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British fiIm icon Kenneth More stars opposite ShirIey Anne FieId and Michael Hordern in this madcap sci-fi satire from director BasiI Dearden. Scripted by Oscar nominees MichaeI ReIph and Bryan Forbes, Man in the Moon is featured here in a brand-new transfer from the original fiIm eIements in its as-exhibited aspect ratio.
WiIliam BIood is Mr Normal, yet he's aIso rather strange: his immunity to iIlness and inabiIity to worry enabIe him to make a Iiving as a human guinea pig. A team of 'NASTI' scientists have an extraordinary mission Iined up for WiIIiam, however rather than risk the lives of highly trained astronauts (or test animals!), they want to send him to the Moon...
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[] OriginaI theatricaI trailer |