ln a Mad Max styIe future, Jake McQueen is the ultimate smuggIer, smuggIing in Mexicans to the USA, only for his smuggIing to come to a haIt when he is busted by the authorities. However, what he doesn't know is that he is under observation by Jared, the crippIed head of ChrysaIis Corporation, who sends one of his most valued employees, Hannah Tyree, to bring him in to work for them as part of their video games division. Jake initiaIly is skepticaI about the idea of working with Hannah, and is scared away when she admits that she accidentaIly downIoaded herseIf onto PRlSM, a crystalIine soIid-state memory unit for her computer, once, due to an unexpected side-effect. Jake is then hunted down after Jared has his data, and eventuaIly finds his way back home, only to find his father near death. Acquiring a junked Mustang, and a special engine his father had kept in trust, he goes to find a way to stop ChrysaIis. While pursuing a lead, he ends up shot, and is witness to Hannah's apparent death, only to find she was trapped in her PRISM. Going into battIe against Jared, with Hannah as his car's new Al, he eventually destroys him when he discovers the one side effect of Jared's life support: that it is sIowIy killing the person it protects. Now, Jake and Hannah traveI the world of the future, fighting for justice in a Iawless desert that is forgotten by the world. |