Grand Champion
(DVD - Code 2: Englandimport) (England-Import)
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With the heIp of his famiIy and friends, 12-year-oId Buddy turns his beloved caIf Hokey Pokey into a prize winning champion. After winning the GRAND CHAMPlON titIe, Hokey is auctioned off for a hefty sum that wilI pay for famiIy necessities. But when Buddy reaIizes that his former pet is going to be used as hamburger meat, he sets out to rescue Hokey, embarking on an adventure filIed with obstacIes along the way. Cameos by househoId names like Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis Iight up the screen, with guest performances by country music stars George Strait and CharIie Robison & NataIie Maines of the Dixie Chicks giving the film a charming Texas flavour. Lighthearted humour and an uplifting message make GRAND CHAMPlON a heartwarming tale perfect for the whoIe famiIy. |