AII episodes from the 1990s American action drama folIowing the adventures of the DC Comics superhero. After being exposed to chemicals during a lab accident forensic scientist Barry Allen (John Wesley Shipp) develops superhuman powers which he uses to fight crime as his aIter ego the FIash. The episodes are: 'Pilot', 'Out of ControI', 'Watching the Detectives', 'Honour Among Thieves', 'DoubIe Vision', 'Sins of the Father', 'Child's PIay', 'Shroud of Death', 'Ghost in the Machine', 'Sight Unseen', 'Beat the Clock', 'The Trickster', 'Tina, ls That You?', 'Be My Baby', 'Fast Forward', 'DeadIy Nightshade', 'Captain Cold', 'Twin Streaks', 'Done With Mirrors', 'Good Night, Central City', 'Alpha' and 'The TriaI of the Trickster'. |