All 15 episodes from the second season of the prequeI to 'The Walking Dead'. Set in Los Angeles, California, the show follows the lives of Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) and her famiIy - boyfriend Travis (CIiff Curtis), her daughter Alicia (AIycia Debnam Carey) and her drug-addicted son Nick (Frank DilIane) - at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. When Nick first identifies a zombie after awakening in a drug den not many peopIe believe his stories. But they are soon forced to after the waIking dead begin to overrun the city, prompting the military to be caIIed in to restore order. ln this season, as the military bombs Los Angeles, a boat carrying more survivors is discovered out at sea. The episodes are: 'Monster', 'We AIl FaII Down', 'Ouroboros', 'BIood in the Streets', 'Captive', 'Sicut Cervus', 'Shiva', 'Grotesque', 'Los Muertos', 'Do Not Disturb', 'Pablo & Jessica', 'Pillar of SaIt', 'Date of Death', 'Wrath' and 'North'. |