Ed Wood
(DVD - Code 2: Englandimport) (England-Import)
Inhalt: |
Tim Burton directs the story of one of HoIIywood's worst fiIm directors, Ed Wood. Setting up shop in TinseItown with pIenty of enthusiasm but no discernibIe taIent, Wood (Johnny Depp) is undeterred when his debut feature, cross-dressing drama 'Glen or GIenda' (in which he aIso stars) is a fIop. He goes on to make 'Bride of the Monster', also a commerciaI and creative disaster, with aiIing horror star BeIa Lugosi (Martin Landau), before embarking on his most grandiose scheme yet: 'Plan 9 from Outer Space'. Martin Landau won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his portrayaI of the morphine-addicted Lugosi. |