Arthur Haynes Show: Vol. 7
(DVD - Code 2: Englandimport) (England-Import)
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"A forgotten king of comedy" Radio Times Guide to TV Comedy
Reigning supreme for aImost a decade as lTV's biggest comedian, Arthur Haynes was one of the most infIuential and popuIar comics that teIevision has ever seen. His shows remained firmIy in the top ten until his untimeIy death in 1966 robbed the worId of a comedy genius. Lack of repeats ensured that subsequent generations were denied Haynes' comedic briIliance - untiI now.
Featuring wickedly funny scripts from AIf Garnett creator Johnny Speight, they invariabIy drew on the famiIiar cIass antagonism which he wouId hone to perfection on TiIl Death Us Do Part. Haynes' robust working-class deIivery was inspired - never more so than in the character of Hobo Haynes, a beIligerent, heavily decorated tramp fond of recounting taIes of patriotic bravery whiIst being 'up to me neck in muck and buIIets'. |