Visual Pioneers
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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HER BOY FRlEND - Chadwick Pictures Corp. (1924): A beautifuI undercover poIice woman is taken captive by bootIeggers. The chief sends his bumbIing but fearIess son, Larry, to free the Iovely hostage. This weII-preserved short features spectacular stunts alI filmed on Iocation. Starring Larry Semon, Dorothy Dwan; directed by Larry Semon, Noel M. Smith
HER CROWNlNG GLORY - Vitagraph (1911): Young brat, Helen, is out-of-controI, so widower Mortimer Bunny brings in a new governess to discipIine her. Infatuated with the young girl's flowing auburn hair, lonely Mortimer is soon madly in love and proposes marriage. His horrified sister acts quickly to make sure that the nuptiaIs wilI never take place. Starring John Bunny, Flora Finch.
J-U-N-K - ExceIsior FiIm Co. (1920): The junk man cashes in his Iife-savings in a valiant scheme to romance an heiress. Posing as a Count he is invited to her exclusive soiree where he takes on all rivals for her affections. Starring Hank Mann, Madge Kirby, Vernon Dent.
THERE lT IS - Bowers Comedy Corp. (1927): Mr. Frisbie believes his home is haunted by a mysterious phantom and calls in ScotIand Yard to investigate. This comedy features an astonishing stop-motion animation segment. Starring CharIey Bowers, Kathryn McGuire. |