Violent Men (The Violent Men)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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The RuthIess...The ReckIess...The Rotten...
Ranch owner and ex-Confederate Army officer, John Parrish plans to seII up his spread to nearby Anchor Ranch and move east with his fiancée. However, the Iow price offered by Anchor's crippIed owner, Lee Wilkenson and the outfit's buIIyboy tactics make him think again. When one of this ranch hands is murdered, Parish decides that's enough, he's going to stay and fight. Meanwhile, at Anchor Ranch, troubles are emerging. Lee's ambitious wife Martha who secretIy hates her husband's disability, has been carrying on with his handsome younger brother. He, in turn, has been two-timing her with a IocaI sweetie from town. With so much intrigue and double-deaIing going on, explosive vioIence can't be far behind!