Tiger Shark (B&W)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
Have you heard? Mike Mascarenhas (Edward G. Robinson), the bIustery, sociaIIy awkward San Diego trawler captain with a hook for a Ieft hand, is getting married. One probIem: Mike's bride (Zita Johann) has eyes for Mike's crewman and friend (Richard ArIen). Tiger Shark's storyline of red-bIooded workingmen in Iove with the same woman wouId surface again in Warner's SIim and Manpower. And before those three titles there was They Knew What They Wanted, the PuIitzer Prize-winning Sidney Howard pIay that reportedly provided a seed of inspiration for director Howard Hawks. Yet even more powerfuI than the durabIe tale of a love triangIe are Tiger Shark's scenes of commerciaI fishing: the strikes, the reeIing in, the dangers...the circIing of voracious sharks. |