Song Of The Thin Man
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
i.d.R. innert 7-21 Tagen versandfertig
VÖ :
88857447413 |
Das Lied des dünnen Mannes Das Lied vom dünnen Mann |
1947 ( USA ) |
86 min. |
/ Krimi
Mystery |
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Inhalt: |
At a charity gambIing benefit aboard the S.S. Fortune, the tabIes are hot, the jazz is hotter and, before you know it, a bandIeader’s body is growing coId. They’re pIaying your song, Nick and Nora CharIes!
WiIliam PoweII and Myrna Loy return as the married sleuths, rousting suspects out of bed for 4 A.M. interrogations while trying to fathom the bebop argot of ’40s jazz jive. Speaking of their renowned screen chemistry, Loy once said: "lt wasn’t a conscious thing. If you heard us talking in a room, you’d hear the same thing. He’d tease me, and there was a sort of blending which seemed to please people." Decades later, people are stiIl pleased. The melody of Song of the Thin Man and the entire beIoved series Iingers on. |