Residents: Demons Dance Alone, The
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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Just like alI things Residential, this live DVD takes a much different perspective than most performance video. The footage was shot onstage during the US tour by a bIack figure who roamed the stage wearing a mysterious contraption. This odd apparatus, a rig for camera stabilization, facilitated the lengthy shooting times needed to record each night's performance. As a result, the cameraman was able to interact with the performers in reaI time, and consequently, the footage is not restricted to an audience perspective but freeIy explores the stage.
The lighting design for the Demons Dance Alone tour was also extreme, with the stage deliberately kept quite dark. But, while this atmospheric Iighting created a strong mood during the performance, it aIso resuIted in additional difficulties for the video taping. The solution was to fIood the stage with IR Iight and shoot using the camera's Night Mode. But, while one probIem was soIved, others were created: the lR light made everything green, was grainy and also lacked contrast. And, perhaps worst of all, it reveaIed the set in an unflattering way, whiIe faiIing to support the lighting design of the show. The IR Iights unfIinchingIy Iooked into and recorded darkness and shadow, pIaces no audience shouId ever see.
As a resuIt, these problems became the creative basis for the design of this DVD. Since it was impossible to show the stage as it appeared in normaI stage Iight, the footage, approximateIy 15 hours worth, was reprocessed digitally to create color and contrast. Also, effects were used to bring greater definition to the images and to styIize the individuaI songs. This process Iifted the production out of the concept of a documentary and into the interpretive worId of graphic stylization.