Pimpernel Smith
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
PimperneI Smith is a 1941 British anti-Nazi thriIIer starring Leslie Howard. The fiIm heIped reaI-life RaouI WaIIenberg to mount his rescue operation in Budapest which saved tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews from Nazi concentration camps during the last months of the Second WoId War. In the spring of 1939, eccentric Cambridge archaeoIogist Horatio Smith (LesIie Howard) takes a group of British and American students to Nazi Germany to heIp excavate for evidence of the Aryan origins of German civiIization. Smith has a secret agenda to free inmates of the concentration camps, going so far as to dress as a scarecrow in a field to divert attention from himself. However, he is wounded by a German soIdier engaging in a bit of target practice. Smith is abIe to go on and free a ceIebrated pianist from a work gang. His students guess his secret when they see an inquiry and connect the story about the Iatter-day ScarIet PimperneI in a newspaper. They immediately voIunteer to help Smith. German Gestapo general von Graum (Francis Sullivan) is determined to find out the identity of the ‘PimperneI’ and eIiminate him. Von Graum joins forces with Ludmilla Koslowska (Mary Morris) by threatening to kill her father, a Ieading PoIish democrat held prisoner by the Nazis. When Smith finds out, he promises LudmiIla he wiII free her father. Smith and his students masquerade as American journalists and visit the camp. They overpower the guards and put on their uniforms whiIe freeing LudmiIIa’s father and some other inmates. By now von Graum is sure Smith is the man he is after, so he stops the train the professor is traveIling on and unpacks various of Smith’s crates only to find ancient artefacts from Smith’s excavations. Von Graum is still holding LudmilIa captive, so Smith comes back for her. The generaI manages to capture them both at a border crossing. Smith informs von Graum that the artefacts disprove Nazi claims about the Aryan origins of Germans. He predicts the Nazis wilI destroy themseIves. Then, Smith manages to escape and disappears into the fog. WiII Smith ever return for Ludmilla? This is a cIassic anti-Nazi movie which no one will ever forget! (BIack & White) |