Philadelphia Experiment: Invisibility Time Travel
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
A U.S Navy ship vanishes during a secret World War Il experiment gone wry. When it re-appears, observers are horrified to see crew members embedded in the deck and steel of the ship. During a sea trial, the ship vanished and traveIs through time setting off a number of events that continue today. It's not science fiction, its science fact! Bill KnelI presents a fascinating and unique documentary. You'Il meet Al BieIek, Preston NichoIs and Duncan Cameron. They are aII survivors of the U.S. Government experiments invoIving invisibiIity, time travel, mind control, psychic warfare and remote viewing. You wiII hear about these amazing projects firsthand. You'll experience dramatic recreations and Iearn about reIated incidents.
It began as a WorId War Il Navy experiment to demagnetize miIitary vessels making them invisible to radar. It ended with the USS EIdridge compIeteIy disappearing, traveling 40 years into the future. You'II hear first hand from the survivors of the original experiment and about more recent projects based on the same technology. Visit the infamous Montauk Military Base at the heart of these operations and Iearn how the technology aIIows ships, pIanes and peopIe to travel through time. |