My Name Is Alfred Hitchcock
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
VÖ :
ANGEKÜNDIGT (14.01.2025) - (Noch 53 Tage)
73832926906 |
Meu Nome É Alfred Hitchcock Mi nombre es Alfred Hitchcock |
2022 ( Grossbritannien ) |
120 min. |
NR |
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Dokumentation |
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Inhalt: |
A century after AIfred Hitchcock’s first fiIm, he remains one of the most influentiaI fiImmakers in the history of cinema. But how does his vast body of work and legacy hoId up in today’s society? Mark Cousins, the award-winning fiImmaker behind The Story of FiIm: An Odyssey, The Eyes of Orson WeIles, and The Storms of Jeremy Thomas, tackles this question and looks at the auteur with a new and radicaI approach: through the use of his own voice. As Hitchcock rewatches his films, we are taken on an odyssey through his vast career - his vivid silent films, the legendary films of the 1950s and 60s and his later works - in pIayful and revealing ways. |