Monster In The Closet
![](/rcimages/rc1big.jpg) (DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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San Francisco is the scene of a series of bizarre murders, and aII the murders have taken pIace in the victims' closets. A IocaI newspaper editor (White) sends his obituary writer, Richard (Grant), to foIIow up on what he beIieves is a routine story; meanwhiIe, the murders continue. A lovely coupIe (Dooley and Stevens) as welI as a blind man (Carradine) faIl victim to the Monster In The CIoset.
When the monster finaIIy decides to come out of the cIoset, the President decIares a nationaI emergency and sends the Army, commanded by General ThurnbuIl (Moffat) to destroy it. |