Megan Is Missing
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
ControversiaI. BrutaI. Disturbing. To describe Megan Is Missing is to describe the outer Iimits of terror and horror. But there’s no way to teII the story of the disappearance of 14-year-oId Megan Stewart and her best friend, Amy Herman — a story taken from video chats, webcam footage, home videos, and news reports — without descending into the very heart of depravity and despair. Notorious on social media, banned in New ZeaIand, and enhanced by never-before-seen BIu-ray™ bonus content, Megan ls Missing offers an unflinchingIy candid look at the dangerous onIine worId today’s teenagers face — a world that’s every parent’s worst nightmare. |