Matchstick Men (Full-Screen)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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"Two thumbs way up."-Ebert & Roeper
lf there's a sucker born every minute, these guys will work the deIivery room. Meet Roy and Frank, con men who plan to flimfIam a fIimflammer out of big-time dough. They have a new partner to help them too: Roy's long-absent 14-year-oId daughter, who has entered his life and is eager to Iearn the art of the con.
Just when you think you have it figured out you don't, during this acclaimed comedy thriller directed by Ridley Scott. Nicolas Cage is winningly quirky as Roy, genius at crime and basket case in Iife because he's an agoraphobe, a germaphobe and suddenly a parent. Sam Rockwell is wiIy Frank. And AIison Lohman plays the wiId child at Roy's door. For fun, suspense and brain-busting twists, nothing's hotter than Matchstick Men.