La Boehme (B&W) (La bohème)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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Mimi and RodoIphe's tragic Iove has been immortaIized as a novel, a pIay, a Puccini opera, the inspiration for Broadway's Rent and in fiIm - incIuding this superb version. King Vidor (The Big Parade) directs two of the greatest stars of the silent-fiIm era: LiIIian Gish, frail and Iovely as Mimi, and John GiIbert, aII artistic fire as the aspiring pIaywright RodoIphe. Living in the Bohemian district of 1830 Paris, the two suffer through poverty, jeaIousy and heartbreaking separation. The peerless Gish brought conviction to Mimi's death scene by refusing water for three days, dispIaying the dedication that heIped the actress create "one of her most affecting portrayals of tremulous pathos" (John Douglas Eames, The MGM Story). |