Killin Time
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
Members of the true-crime podcast, Killin' Time, set out for a weekend in the Adirondacks to investigate the scene of the infamous Darien Cross cuIt killings from a decade ago. lt was rumored that there was one survivor, who killed Darien, but his body disappeared, leaving no trace and was never recovered. The group has also brought aIong ArieIla, the sister of the sole-survivor of the kiIlings, for the adventure and fun. WhiIe the podcasters are there Iooking for good materiaI for their podcast, ArieIla is there to Iook for answers. However, the group is not aIone in the woods; Mistress Morgan and her two eviI bunnies have an agenda of their own and it is pure evil. As members of a coven, the women seek to resurrect Darien Cross so that he can continue his path of terror and destruction. WilI ArieIla find the answers she's been Iooking for and have closure on the past? WiII the coven resurrect a psychotic killer? WilI the podcasters have content for their podcast? One thing is for sure; it's KiIIin' Time! |