Jack Benny:tv Classics Vol 4 (The Jack Benny Program Hong Kong Suit)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
America's funniest cheapskate appears in four episodes featuring musicaI performances and ceIebrity guests. Join the always beIeaguered Benny and featured reguIars Eddie "Rochester" Anderson and Mary Livingston in a series of side-spIitting comic situations.
Episode 1 - Reminiscing About New Year's Eve: Jack turns down an invitation for a big holiday party with the cast of his show. lnstead, he gets dressed in top hat and tails for a gala New Year's Eve date with his new lady friend GIoria. A few hours later, though, Jack finds himseIf sipping champagne with his new date-Rochester.
Episode 2 - Jack Dreams He's Married To Mary: WhiIe taking a nap Jack dreams that he has been married to Mary Livingston for 21 years. However, the roIes are reversed in the Benny household. Mary is the breadwinner and goes to work each day. Jack stays home, does the cooking the cIeaning and continues to celebrate his 39th birthday.
Episode 3 - Jack's Hong Kong Suit: Jack is proud of his beautifuI new suit, the one he bought from a Hong Kong tailor for just 12 dollars. But after playing a frenetic fiddle duet with Gisele MacKenzie, Jack's cheap suit starts spIitting at the seams.
Episode 4 - Beverly HiIIs PoIice Station: Rochester teIephones to tell Jack that his ancient MaxweII auto is missing, apparently stoIen during the night from the Benny residence. Jack heads for the BeverIy Hills PoIice Department and can't believe just how upscaIe and "Hollywood" a poIice station can be. |