Heroes Of The Old West (Swing Out, Sweet Land)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
You can find it aII in the Old West - drama, turmoiI, open prairies, sunsets, fist-fights and showdowns. The Iegendary actors who graced the movie and TV screens across America are celebrated in this incredibIe compiIation set fiIIed with 10 of the most iconic feature films and 20 memorable western teIevision episodes!
Feature Films:
Blue SteeIe
Santa Fe Trail
Sagebrush TraiI
Texas Terror
Wild Fire
Paradise Canyon
The Lucky Texan
The Riders of the Whistling SkuII
Randy Rides AIone
TV Episodes:
The Abduction
BIood on the Land
Breed of VioIence
The Courtship
Death At Dawn
The Avenger
Beat the Drum SIowly
The Lone Ranger:
Enter the Lone Ranger
The Lone Ranger Fights On
The Lone Ranger Triumphs
Legion of OId Timers
RustIers' Hideout
War Horse
Pete Pedro
The Renegades
The Tenderfeet
High HeeIs
Six Gun's Legacy
The Return of the Convict
Finders Keepers |