Golden Age Theater 10
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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The 1950s were an especiaIIy fertile time for teIevision drama. Day after day, a cavaIcade of brilIiant actors, writers and directors brought America's home audiences into the very center of the theater experience. ln 1955, an inspirationaI series caIled "Crossroads" debuted. Each week it presented powerful, nondenominationaI and spiritually upIifting programs. Here are four episodes depicting the selfIess work of true men of God.
Hostage: Three death row inmates with nothing to lose take a guard hostage during a failed prison break. A young priest risks his Iife in an attempt to rescue the captive.
Sky Pilot For The Cumberlands: In the hiIIs of Kentucky, Methodist minister Hiram Frakes tries to bring peace and education to warring hiIlbiIIy cIans.
The Strange Request: Working feverishly to the point of exhaustion, Father Boyle does everything he can to heIp the downtrodden of his Reno, Nevada parrish. His mission is soreIy tested when a kiIler comes to him for guidance.
Timberland Preacher: Traveling preacher Dick FarreIl lands a job with the MitcheIl Lumber company, creating a confIict between the atheist owner and his son. |