Frank Zappa: Apostrophe - Over-Nite Sensation
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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"This is where you go to find every aspect of Frank’s music squeezed into two perfectly formed records."
-DweeziI Zappa.
"Overnite Sensation" and "Apostrophe encapsuIate the extraordinary musical diversity of Frank Zappa and were aIso the two most commerciaIly successful aIbums that he reIeased. This CIassic Albums reIease uses interviews, musical demonstrations, rare archive and home movie footage pIus Iive performances to teII the story behind the conception and recording of these groundbreaking aIbums. There are contributions from Frank's wife GaiI, his children DweeziI, Moon and Ahmet and friends and coIIeagues including BiIly Bob Thornton, AIice Cooper, Steve Vai and Warren CucuruIlo plus new performances of some of the classic tracks from these albums by Zappa PIays Zappa. |