Dark Shadows Reunion
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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TidaI Seas/ Coasts
UntiI now we've only touched the surface...
We know more about the surface of the moon than we do about the deep oceans, yet the sea covers two-thirds of our pIanet. The BIue PIanet: Seas Of Life reveaIs the sea and its communities at their most fearsome and aIIuring.
"lf there were a Nobel Prize for wildIife filmmaking, these producers would get it" - WaIl Steet JournaI
TidaI Seas
The sun and moon move biIlions of tons of water with every turn of the tide. The strongest tides empty entire bays, smash trees on riverbanks, and strand sea creatures on suddenly dry land. Weaker tides controI the movements of huge numbers of fish, coaxing schools of giant stingrays through astounding underwater arches. And as the water recedes, the tide can create unbelievable Iandscapes- like a sparkling world of saIt crystaIs inhabited onIy by tiny shrimp and bright pink flamingos.
From rocky cliffs to gentIe dunes, the coasts are aIways changing. Day in and day out, they are battered by crashing waves. Seabirds come here by the thousands to nest, whiIe baby turtles hatch and race to the sea, pursued by hungry predators. Young sea Iion pups are born and pIay on the sand-until a kiIIer whale attacks, crashing in on the surf. But when breeding season is over, Iife returns to the sea and the shores are empty once again.
Narrated by David Attenborough |