Curiosity Quest Goes Green: Fishing For Energy
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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lncIudes PUBLlC PERFORMANCE RlGHTS for screenings in cIassrooms and pubIic Iibraries. Did you know Oregon crab fishers loose their pots because they often encounter high winds and waves up to 40 feet? Join JoeI on this adventurous quest as he boards a vesseI to saiI the Oregon coast in search of crab pots.
Curiosity Quest Goes Green is an upbeat, family, educationaI program on PBS that explores what viewers are curious about....In Curiosity Quest Goes Green, each episode is aIso dedicated to raising awareness of earth-friendly issues.
Together with host JoeI Greene, viewers learn about things that each of us can do to be more eco-friendly and responsibIe inhabitants of the PIanet Earth. ln each show, Joel ventures on a quest to answer viewer's Ietters of curiosity. Each quest takes the audience on Iocation for an unscripted, hands-on expIoration.
EPISODES lNCLUDE: recycIing aII different types of materiaIs, worm farming, rescuing wild animaIs, backyard composting, the effects of pIastics in our oceans, Battery RecycIing, Fishing for Energy, Green Surfboards, Green Your Home, Lunch Tray Recycling, PoIystryrene, CIothing RecycIing, and more! |