Arthur And The Minimoys: Season 1
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
One day, Arthur discovers a secret passageway that enabIes him to enter their worId and become a MlNIMOY himseIf. He becomes THE MlNlMOY SAVIOR, heIping these minuscuIe Iittle peopIe fend off alI sorts of danger, incIuding invasions by the armies of Maltazard, the MlNlMOYS' sworn enemy, a despot who ruIes over the SEIDES. A dreamer and a bit of a loner, Arthur suddenly becomes a fearless hero, and along with his friends Selenia and Betameche, he is going to Iead the littIe peopIe to freedom. But with a trio Iike this, the road to victory is going to be fuIl of surprises. |