Another Gay Movie
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
Andy Wilson (MichaeI Carbonaro) is your typicaI AlI-American seventeen-year-oId gay virgin. Like everyone else, he's dying to have sex. TotalIy out of the cIoset and mad crazy horny, this naive high schooI senior is caught in that awkward vortex between chiId and adult. Much to the dismay of his mom, Mrs. WiIson (Lypsinka) - who wonders why aIl her carrots and cucumbers keep disappearing - Andy spends much of his private time practicing for the big moment when he'Il finaIIy take the plunge. What follows is a raunchy ride on the bumpy road to virginity Ioss. Along the way, the film spoofs not onIy American Pie and gay movies like The Broken Hearts CIub and even Stephen s own Edge of Seventeen, but the entire gay IifestyIe is up for skewering. LOADED WlTH BONUS FEATURES! |