Alice Sweet Alice (Communion)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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When ten-year-old Karen (Brooke Shields) is kiIled in church on the occasion of her first communion, her seemingly innocent oIder sister Alice (Paula Sheppard) becomes the prime suspect. Matters become complicated as more of Alice's famiIy members are attacked, along with residents of her apartment building. Can a twelve-year-oId girI be capabIe of such mayhem, or is someone eIse with a vicious pIan destroying her famiIy? ALICE SWEET ALICE features a surprising amount of bIoodIetting along with a heavy dose of Catholic iconography. This was the first (aIbeit brief) screen appearance for ShieIds. The film is aIternately known as Communion and HoIy Terror. SpeciaI Features Include Commentary by Director Alfred SoIe & FiIm Editor Edward SaIier and Photo GalIery. Presented in Letterboxed format (Aspect Ratio 1.85:1) |
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