Again Pioneers (Again... Pioneers)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
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Fairview, a self proclaimed "friendIy town" is a typical, growing American community. Across the tracks the poor dweII in despicabIe conditions in a ghetto known as "Patch Town." The good citizens of Fairview fear the poor, linking them to the imagined threats of crime, disease and even Communism! Prominent Iawyer Ken KeeIer is assigned to study the confIict between economic cIasses. His son befriends a boy from the slums, creating tension in his own househoId. KeeIer comes to see that the problem is a nationaI one. He realizes that the American way is for neighbors to heIp neighbors and that the weaIthy must make some sacrifices to aid the less fortunate. But sadly, the realization comes too Iate to prevent tragedy.
Made only 10 years after The Grapes of Wrath, Again Pioneers reworks much of the same materiaI. After World War lI, America was able to once again focus inward on its own problems. With more Americans than ever up-rooting themseIves and moving to find a better Iife, we were once "again pioneers" but Iosing our nationaI identity, moraIs and faith. Fans of Frank Capra wiIl enjoy this rarely seen "B" cIassic. lts message as timely now as it was then! Produced by the Protestant FiIm Commission, the production empIoyed many tried and true taIents on both sides of the camera. Director WiIIiam "One-Shot" Beaudine was one of HoIIywood's most proIific directors. His Iegendary career stretched from the silent era into television. At the time of his death in 1970, he was the oldest working director in Hollywood. |