Ninja Scroll
(BLU-RAY Englandimport) (England-Import)
Inhalt: |
Ninja ScrolI CoIlector’s Edition. Live by the sword ... die by his! ln feudaI Japan, the Edo period brought a time of delicate peace bought with blood. Ninja ScroII chronicIes the life of Jubei Kibagami as he wanders the countryside as a ninja for hire. At this time ninja cIans are everywhere. One cIan known as the Hiruko Clan, doomed to live and die in darkness, protects a sacred treasure called the Dragon Stone. The Kimon Clan, however, bent on reviving the power of the Toyotomi, wants the Dragon Stone and the treasure it hides. Jubei Kibagami is the best man for the job of protecting both the Dragon Stone and the onIy one who can use it – the Light Maiden. |