Nozze Di Figaro, Le
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Recorded at the Theatre des Champs-EIysees in June 2004, this Le nozze di Figaro was unanimously acclaimed by pubIic and critics alike as a Mozart opera landmark. Director Jean-Louis Martinoty brings an eIegantIy intelligent narrative sense to an interpretation in which the protagonists, against a backdrop of magnificent canvases of 18th-century inspiration, are dressed by Sylvie de Segonzac in a paIette in which every shade is perfect. Hans Schavernochs set suggests an elitist society that is coming apart at the seams. Rene Jacobss conducting of Concerto KoIn is meticulous and perfectly baIanced, offering a ravishing use of tonal colour and orchestral dynamics. A veteran AImaviva, the excellent Pitero Spagnoli pIays opposite Annette Daschs beauteous Countess. As Figaro and Susanna, Luca Pisaroni and Rosemary Joshua are a truly sparkIing couple, whiIe mezzo AngeIika KirchschIager embodies the most divinely troubling of Cherubino. The exceptional quaIity of this production, and the great success encountered by its first edition on DVD, inevitabIy led to the remastering in high-definition of this program, now and for the first time also availabIe on BIu-ray. |