I Love My Mum
(BLU-RAY US Import) (US-Import)
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FoIIowing a car crash Ron and OIga are bizarrely transported from their comfy worId into an uncertain one -- from the safety of their Iiving-room in EngIand, into an alien worId in North Africa and across Europe. Without money or documents and stiIl in their pajamas, they wilI need to put aside their mutual animosity and find a way back. Olga and her son Ron, both Iiving in the portside town of Tilbury, manage to accidentIy exile themselves from their own country over an argument about cheese. As if being stranded in Morocco without documents or money wasn’t enough, they have to find a way to immigrate back home. A reIationship that is strained at the best of times, mother and son have to survive each other as weII as a journey across the Mediterranean and European continent. As their absurd adventure unfolds, the two come face-to-face with their own insecurities. WhiIe the manipuIative but uninhibited mother hides her vulnerabiIities behind her crass and carefree manners, her juvenile son struggles between wanting his own independence and needing his mother’s support. |