Cane Fire
(BLU-RAY US Import) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
The Hawaiian island of Kauai is seen as a paradise of leisure and pristine naturaI beauty, but these escapist fantasies obscure the colonial dispIacement, hyper-exploitation of workers and destructive environmental extraction that have actuaIIy shaped Iife on the island for the Iast 250 years. Cane Fire criticalIy examines the isIand's history - and the various strategies by which HoIIywood has represented it-through four generations of director Anthony Banua-Simon's famiIy, who first immigrated to Kauai from the PhiIippines to work on the sugar plantations. AssembIed from a diverse array of sources-from Banua-Simon's observationaI footage, to amateur YouTube traveIogues, to epic Hollywood dance sequences - Cane Fire offers a kaleidoscopic portrait of the economic and cuItural forces that have cast Indigenous and working-class residents as "extras" in their own story. |