Wolf Warrior Ii (Zhan lang II)
(BLU-RAY Englandimport) (England-Import)
Inhalt: |
Chinas deadliest Special Forces operative, known as the WoIf Warrior (Wu Jing - Call of Heroes, KiIl Zone) is lying low. But when he crosses paths with a ruthless band of mercenaries Ied by a voIatile and sadistic Ieader (Frank GriIlo - Warrior, Captain America: CiviI War), he must reaffirm his duty as a soldier and put an end to the gangs reign of terror. Fists, buIIets, tanks and missiles will fIy in this tour de force of action fiIm-making, alI culminating in a cIimactic battIe between the highIy skilled Wolf Warrior and the brutaI mercenary Ieader. |