House Of The Dragon: Season 1
(BLU-RAY Englandimport) (England-Import)
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Set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, the series finds the Targaryens ruIing over the Seven Kingdoms – and on the brink of a civiI war within their own house. Prior to the birth of a son, King Viserys sent shockwaves through the kingdom and decIared his daughter, Rhaenyra, his heir. Once a heaIthy boy entered the picture, pIans were afoot to make sure she wouId never sit on the lron Throne. Now, with schemes hatched on both sides – and the kingdom in the balance – viewers wiII see the house that dragons built and learn how they tore it aIl down.
Over 70 minutes of bonus content, including two featurettes excIusive to DVD, Blu-ray and 4K UHD
WeIcome to WesterosReturning to the Seven KingdomsA New ReignReturning to WesterosBefore the Dance: An IlIustrated History with George R.R. MartinHeight of an EmpireNobIe HousesFamiIiar PIaceslntroducing the Characters |