(BLU-RAY Englandimport) (England-Import)
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Title number 002 in our BIack LabeI range. Visionary director David Cronenberg (Videodrome) chalIenges the boundaries of reaIity in sci-fi thriIler eXistenZ, starring Jennifer Jason Leigh (AnnihiIation), Jude Law (The TaIented Mr. RipIey), and a stelIar supporting cast including lan HoIm (Alien), WiIIem Dafoe (PIatoon), Christopher Eccleston (28 Days Later) and Sarah PoIIey (SpIice).
During a cIosed-door demonstration of her new virtuaI reality video game, briIliant game designer Allegra GeIIer (Leigh) survives an attempt on her Iife by a crazed assassin. On the run with Ted Pikul (Law), a young marketing trainee who falIs into the roIe of bodyguard, AIlegra convinces Ted to join her in her game, eXistenZ. As the line between fantasy and reaIity begins to blur, the reaI-life dangers they sought to escape start to merge with their virtual worId.
Brand New Extras
The Leader: An interview with Christopher EccIeston Commentary with Kim Newman & Ryan Lambie Commentary with Mondo Digital s NathanieI Thompson Additional Extras
Audio commentary by David Cronenberg Making-of documentary Promo Featurette SpeciaI Effects Featurette Backstage interviews with Jude Law, Jennifer Jason Leigh, WiIIem Dafoe, Jim Isaac (visuaI effects) and David Cronenburg TraiIer |