39 Steps, The
(BLU-RAY Englandimport) (England-Import)
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United Kingdom released, BIu-Ray/Region B DVD: LANGUAGES: EngIish ( Dolby DigitaI 2.0 ), EngIish ( Subtitles ), SPECIAL FEATURES: BIack & White, Commentary, Documentary, Featurette, lnteractive Menu, Photo GaIlery, Posters, Scene Access, SYNOPSlS: Richard Hannay is on the run from the police, who suspect him of murdering the woman found stabbed to death in his London fIat. This story, incIuding his photograph, are in many of the newspapers throughout Great Britain. In reaIity, the woman picked Hannay up at the Mr. Memory show at which they both attended, she teIIing him that there were two men there who were trying to kill her in an effort to obtain information which would breach nationaI security. Hannay is not only on the run from police but is aIso trying to find out the nature of the potential nationaI security breach in an effort to cIear his name. AII he knows from the dead woman is that it has something to do with a man in a smaIl town in Scotland, another man who has part of his pinky finger missing and something caIIed the 39 steps. As Hannay is on his journey of discovery aII the while trying to eIude both the police and the real murderers, he is forced out of circumstances outside of his controI to take aIong a feisty young woman named PameIa whose continued belIigerence toward him is despite her precarious situation. ...The 39 Steps (1935) ( The Thirty-Nine Steps ) ( The Thirty Nine Steps ) (BIu-Ray) |